Pourquoi utiliser des raccords à sertir ? Les 5 principales raisons

1.Les raccords à sertir permettent d’économiser du temps et de l’argent.

Utilisez des connecteurs à sertir. Les connexions sont réalisées en une fraction du temps qu’il faut pour souder ou souder des tuyaux. Aussi, par rapport au soudage, au brasage ou au brasage. Beaucoup moins de formation est nécessaire pour utiliser les outils d’emboutissage. Cela fait des raccords à sertir une excellente solution d’économie de main-d’œuvre. Surtout lors de l’installation de grands systèmes de tuyauterie.

2.The crimp connection is secure.

The operation of stamping tools varies from brand to brand. But one thing that is consistent is connection strength. Just follow the stamping tool system manufacturer’s instructions. Prepare the pipes properly. The connection is as strong as a soldered connection. Many hydraulic tools feature automatic cycling. It will only be closed when the connection is complete. So no need to guess if the pipe is fully connected.

3.La sécurité sur le chantier est améliorée grâce aux raccords à sertir.

On the job site. Caution and safety are always paramount. Compression fittings provide additional security. Because no heat or flame is required to connect. This reduces the risk of workers being injured on the job. Compared to welding or brazing. Fewer safety devices are required to operate punching tools. Further cost savings can be achieved.

4.Les raccords à sertir sont dynamiques.

Since the compression fittings are available in copper, stainless steel and carbon steel. They are therefore suitable for almost any plumbing system. This makes them suitable for a variety of applications. From gases, oils and corrosive substances to steam and potable water.

5.Les réparations peuvent être effectuées rapidement avec des raccords à sertir.

Even if the piping system is wet. Press-fit connections can still be made. This makes compression fittings ideal for use in commercial and industrial facilities. Because if repairs are needed. Operations are not interrupted. Press-fit fittings eliminate the need to shut down the piping system for maintenance.

IFAN offers high quality presses and accessories. If you have any problems. Feel free to contact us any time.


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